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Traffic Ticket Convictions in Ontario: What You Need To Know

Traffic Tickets
RVRyan Venables

If you are convicted of a traffic ticket, chances are you will be faced with consequences and penalties. By being convicted, it means you are guilty of the traffic offence. Whether you paid the ticket to avoid going to court, or forgot to file the ticket, you need to be aware of how convictions can impact your driving record. 

Here is what you need to know about traffic ticket convictions in Ontario. 

What Is A Conviction?

If you plead guilty to a traffic offense, or a court finds you guilty, then you are convicted of that offence. Following a conviction, you will likely have to pay a fine.

There are also additional penalties and consequences that can result from a conviction. Additional penalties can include a suspended license, and/or having demerit points added to your driving record. Additional consequences can include higher car insurance rates. 

Here are a few reasons why some individuals are convicted of a traffic ticket. 

Paying The Ticket 

For many, it may seem like the easiest option to just pay the ticket. You don’t have to appear in court or hire legal professionals to help you. But, paying the ticket is an admission of guilt. 

In some situations, it may be suggested by police officers or legal authorities to just pay the ticket. And, it may feel like the suitable option. However, if you fight the ticket you can get fines reduced or the case dismissed. Don’t pay the ticket unless you are certain that it is the right thing to do. 

Forgetting To File The Ticket 

If you make the decision to fight your traffic ticket, then it needs to be filed immediately. When a ticket is not filed by the deadline, the court will convict you of the offence. This means that you will be faced with whatever penalties are associated with your offence. If you want to set a court date for your case to be heard, be sure to file the ticket as soon as possible. 

Missing the Court Date 

If you miss your court date, you are not in a good position. You can be convicted of the traffic ticket without the court hearing your case. Any penalties will be levied immediately. However, it’s possible that the court will reschedule your appearance. The court can also give you the conviction if you appear in court, but there is a higher chance the penalties or fines will be reduced or dismissed. Either way, it is best to stay safe and appear in court at the appointed date and time to prevent an automatic conviction. 

X-Copper’s team of traffic ticket lawyers and former police officers understand the laws, methods of enforcement and court procedures, to defend your rights and get the best possible outcome for you.

If you liked this blog, check out this one on, “What Happens If You Don’t Pay Your Driving Ticket On Time?”

6 Replies to “Traffic Ticket Convictions in Ontario: What You Need To Know”

  1. Hi.My name is kezang Dawa and I missed my trial date because I changed my address and forget to change the address in the court.Now i am being sentenced coz of being absent in the court.Its a red light camera ticket by police officer

    1. Hi Kezang,

      We’re sorry to hear about your current situation. We welcome you to contact us at 1-888-XCOPPER for a complimentary consultation at your convenience.

      Best regards,
      The X-Copper Team

  2. Hi,
    My son got a ticket for unsafe right turn and what actually happened was the roads were slippery and he slid through the intersection. The officer gave him that ticket, which is uncalled for. But being scared my son paid the ticket asap. Can he still fight the 2 points?
    519 872-7846

    1. Hi Jeff,

      We welcome you to contact us at your convenience to discuss your situation. Feel free to call 1-888-XCOPPER (1-888-926-7737) for a complimentary consultation.

      Best regards,
      The X-Copper Team

  3. I got tickets for failing to stop on all way and warning tickets to in warning tickets 3 dermits is written but in tickets only amount is written so I paid the ticket but now I got letter novice with 3 dermits points if I know that before I didn’t pay ticket and fight but any possible to not get increase in insurance kindly help

    1. Thank you for contacting X-Copper. We welcome you to call us at 1-800-XCOPPER for your complimentary consultation.

      Best regards,
      The X-Copper Team


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