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Step One

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Step Two

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Step 3

Step Three

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Holiday Ride Program 2012

News and Press
jason-baxtorJason Baxter

As the holiday season approaches, the “Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere” or RIDE for short, programs will come into full swing. Chances are that you will be stopped at some point by an officer at one of these check points.

When approaching these check points here are a few things to keep in mind….

  • Slow down, drive cautiously.
  • Have all your documents handy. You don’t need to produce them unless the police ask. If asked you will be required to produce your vehicle ownership, proof of insurance and your license.
  • Don’t take off your seatbelt. You should wear your seatbelt in your car at all times. Do not take if off for any reason when approaching the RIDE program. You can receive a ticket for not wearing your seatbelt.
  • Don’t reach for your phone. It is against the law to use a personal communication device when you are driving the car, even if it’s a red light or a RIDE program.
  • Stay Calm. Cooperate fully with the police and ensure your passengers act responsibly and courteously.
  • Don’t Drink and Drive. Play it safe, don’t be on the road after you drink.
  • Road Side Sample. If the officer asks you to provide a road side sample YOU MUST PROVIDE IT. You can be charged if you refuse to provide a breath sample if demanded to do so by police.

If you get charged this holiday season, learn and know your rights! Call X-Copper at 1-888-X-COPPER (926-7737) for a Free no obligation consultation. We will review with you all your documents, and explain all your options to you, giving you all the tools you need to make an informed decision.


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