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Understanding Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm

Criminal Charges
Jason Baxter

There are three levels of impaired driving charges:

  1. Impaired Driving;
  2. Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm; and
  3. Impaired Driving Causing Death

If you are charged with Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm it is a serious criminal charge in which you can be sentenced to a period of imprisonment or jail for months to years depending on the injuries to the victim(s).  The maximum amount of time you can go to jail if you are convicted of this offence is for fourteen (14) years and a loss of your license for up to ten (10) years after any term of imprisonment or jail is served.

Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm can result when a victim or victims receive injuries which are classified as serious, lasting, and more than just a fleeting or minor injury.  On the low-end it can be a chipped tooth or concussion, all the way to catastrophically life-altering injuries such as paralysis or injuries which require surgery.

When someone is charged with Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm the Crown Attorney prosecuting the case often elects by indictment, which is the more serious way the Crown can treat a criminal case.  It often can lead to more severe consequences for you if you are found guilty after trial or if you plead guilty to the offence.  

If you are convicted of Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm either through a guilty plea or after a trial, it can prevent you from travelling outside of Canada to other countries.  It will also make you ineligible for the Ministry of Transportation’s Reduced Suspension Program meaning you can be without your license for years.

If you reside in Canada and you are NOT a Canadian citizen if you are convicted of Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm you are at great risk of having your status in Canada revoked and you may face deportation as a result.

If you are charged with Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm you should immediately seek to speak with and retain a lawyer.  It may be the difference between having your charges resolved to a lesser offence, such as just Impaired Driving or allowing for a more favourable deal to help avoid jail.  If you are charged with any drinking and driving offence, and especially Impaired Driving Causing Bodily Harm, please contact one of the lawyers at X-Copper Law Firm for a free consultation.


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